We’ve had to adapt our plans in response to the pandemic, but for now we’re working on putting together a little workshop space where you can either learn bike maintenance skills or get on with doing the things you know how to do (we’ve got a growing collection of tools you can use, ranging from tyre levers through to cable cutters and derailleur alignment gauges). This is on the University of Lancaster Bailrigg campus, but we have a bike trailer and can also be mobile around Lancaster and Morecambe.
We’ll be looking for opportunities to gather folks together in a more social way as the situation evolves; in the meantime we’re totally up for doing stuff on a 1:1 basis or riffing off your suggestions to make things happen. Get in touch and start the conversation.
Here are some things we’re either doing already or would like to be doing:
- Teaching bike repair and maintenance skills
- Providing a space and tools for you to work on your cycle (with guidance where needed)
- Supporting adults learning to ride or refreshing their road skills
- Zines!
- Make Your Own Gear (MYOG) bags etc
- Giving you opportunities to practice your repair skills by refurbishing bikes for a local charity that provides bikes for refugees and asylum seekers to use
- Ride buddying to test ride your new commute
- Collecting different saddles for you to try out as you learn what works for you
We’re registered as a Cycling UK community group and, whilst we’re not currently running an official ride programme, we’re totally up for supporting members in making their ideas happen, be that group rides to figure out the school run or the grocery shopping or something less ordinary.
We also have a few consumable items such as puncture repair kits, gear and brake cables, brake pads and handlebar plugs available to buy at cost (one of our superpowers is to be able to bulk buy!)
If you’ve got additional needs in terms of accessibility or other considerations, please get in touch and let us know so we can explore options for making things work for you. We’re also keen to make activities accessible around parenting and other caring responsibilities. Participants should be 18 years or older, but we can potentially also accommodate children if their responsible adult is already a participant.
We ran a pilot series of online workshops in the Winter of 2020